Northern Utah Interagency Fire Dispatch Center

Draper, UT

Northern Utah Interagency Fire Dispatch Center

Draper, UT

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The LEED-Gold Northern Utah Interagency Fire Dispatch Center (NUIFC) is a beautiful 9,400-SF joint dispatch center that comprises the Bureau of Land Management, the US Forest Service, and the State of Utah Forestry Fire and State Lands. The state-of-the-art facility includes a communications center, administrative offices, conference rooms, and training areas. With more space than the previous center, the facility improves communication and response times to fight wildfires for approximately 15 million acres across Northern Utah. The design includes many green elements that allow the Dispatch Center to be more environmentally friendly and efficient to operate and maintain. For example, the building's orientation allows natural light to flood the interior, while a ground-source heat pump system keeps heating and cooling costs at a minimum. Insulated concrete forms were used to help reduce noise pollution from I-15, and the white rooftop reduces the heat island effect and helps insulate the building. The Northern Utah Interagency Fire Dispatch Center building won ENR magazine's "Best Green Building" of 2012 in the State of Utah.

12,000 SF


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