Chris Hofheins |BHB Structural Engineers

Portfolio Samples


Chris Hofheins

What’s your favorite BHB project you’ve worked on and why?
I loved working on the StorageCraft Office building because we were able to implement several innovative structural solutions that saved the owner a significant amount of money and set a new standard in steel design principles that have now been repeated for years.
What excites you about your work?
Finding new, innovative solutions to structural engineering problems to the benefit of our clients.
Where do you find inspiration?
I like to find times during the day when I can clear my head and discover new solutions to problems.
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Going to the Eiffel Tower was at the top of my bucket list. Fortunately, I was able to realize that dream in 2019. The Colosseum in Italy might be next on my list.

Articles by 

Chris Hofheins


Brigham Young University
Highest Honors, MBA, 2003
University of Utah
M.S. Structural Engineering, 1999 B.S. Civil Engineering, 1997


Alabama (PE), Colorado (PE), District of Columbia (PE), Idaho (PE), Louisiana (PE), Massachusetts (PE), South Carolina (PE), Tennessee (PE), Utah (SE), Vermont (PE), West Virginia (PE), Wyoming (PE)